Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Journey For My Home

This is a very beautiful song written and composed by Nader Ebrahimi and sang by Mohammad Nouri. It's about the efforts of the Iranians through out the history.

Here's the lyrics:

سفر به خاطر وطن

ما براي پرسيدن نام گلي ناشناس چه سفرها كرده ايم، چه سفرها كرده ايم
ما براي بوسيدن خاك سر قله ها چه خطرها كرده ايم، چه خطرها كرده ايم
ما براي آنكه ايران گوهري تابان شود خون دلها خورده ايم خون دلها خورده ايم
ما براي آنكه ايران خانه خوبان شود رنج دوران برده ايم رنج دوران برده ايم
ما براي بوئيدن بوي گل نسترن چه سفرها كرده ايم، چه سفرها كرده ايم
ما براي نوشيدن شورابه هاي كوير چه خطرها كرده ايم، چه خطرها كرده ايم
ما براي خواندن اين قصه عشق به خاك خون دلها خورده ايم خون دلها خورده ايم
ما براي جاودانه ماندن اين عشق پاك رنج دوران برده ايم رنج دوران برده ايم

A Journey For My Home:

We took long journeys to know an unknown flower... Oh such long journeys... Oh such long journeys...

We took dangerous paths to go to the summit of mountains... Oh such dangerous paths... Oh such dangerous paths...

We have been martyred to make Iran a glorious gem... Oh we have been martyred... Oh we have been martyred...

We have been suffered from pain to make Iran a home to the sinceres men... Oh we have been suffered from pain... Oh we have been from suffered pain...

We took long journeys to smell the blooming Jonquil... Oh such long journeys... Oh such long journeys...

We took dangerous paths to take the salty deserts... Oh such dangerous paths... Oh such dangerous paths...

We have been martyred to have this epic of love to home... Oh we have been martyred... Oh we have been martyred...

We have been suffered from pain to make this love to home, eternal... Oh we have been suffered from pain... Oh we have been suffered from pain...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Quote Of Today

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. -- Mark Twain

Sunday, June 28, 2009

ما يكى هستيم - Stand By Me

(وقتى كه شب مياد)

(با همه غمهاش)

(اى ياور اى هم فرياد)

(با من باش)

(دست به دست هم صدا)

(تو و من هموطن)

(درد تو درد من)

(با من باش)

So darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me

Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon

Should tumble and fall

And the mountains should crumble to the sea

I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

So darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me

Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me

Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Darlin', darlin', stand by me-e, stand by me

Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora with Andy sing for Iranians...

Check out the song, here and here on Ireport for CNN.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

This Month We Had...

This Month We Had:

  • Being the most popular once again after your death!

  • Getting lost, being on an airplane, no where to go, no where to run or hide. Death is the end.

  • Murdering innocents in the name of G-d. Neda is one of the hundreds that have been killed. Thousands have been arrested, without any judicial reason.

  • Gaining popularity by standing his ground, and showing peaceful demonstration.

  • Having a weird hunger to be the most hatred icon in the world.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Lise Marie Presley: Jackson knew his fate

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson knew "exactly how his fate would be played out" and feared his death would echo that of Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley wrote in an online blog posted Friday morning.

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley in 1994. Presley says, "I loved him very much" and believes he loved her.

Presley -- the daughter of Elvis, the "King of Rock," and the ex-wife of Jackson, the "King of Pop" -- wrote on her MySpace page that she wanted "to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once." Her publicist confirmed Presley wrote the blog.
She said her short marriage to Jackson -- from May 1994 until January 1996 -- "was not 'a sham' as is being reported in the press," but she divorced him because she was "in over my head in trying" to save Jackson "from the inevitable, which is what has just happened."
Jackson talked with her about his death during "a deep conversation" 14 years ago about "the circumstances of my father's death."
"At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, 'I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did,' " Presley wrote.
"I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that."
That conversation haunted Presley as she watched television coverage of Jackson's death Thursday, she said.

"I am sitting here watching on the news [as] an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears," she wrote.
"A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened."
Elvis Presley collapsed in the bathroom of his Memphis, Tennessee, mansion -- Graceland -- on August 16, 1977, at the age of 42. While his death was ruled the result of an irregular heartbeat, the autopsy report was sealed amid accusations that abuse of prescription drugs caused the problem.
"As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play the exact scenario I saw happen on August 16, 1977, happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted," she wrote.
"I wanted to 'save him'," she wrote. "I wanted to save him from the inevitable, which is what has just happened."
"The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow," Presley wrote.
Their marriage, which some suggested was only to help Jackson's image, was real, she said.
"It was an unusual relationship, yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a 'normal life' found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part," she wrote. "Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much."
Presley called Jackson "an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated."
"When he used it for something good, it was the best and when he used it for something bad, It was really, REALLY bad," she wrote.
Presley's blog entry ended with a thank you to those who would read it.
"I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening."

Source: CNN.com

Wyclef Jean Sings For Iran Too...

Check out here for both Joan's song and Wyclef song.

Joan Baez Sings For Freedom In Iran...

We shall overcome, we shall overcome
We shall overcome someday
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome someday
We’ll walk hand in hand,
we’ll walk hand in hand
We’ll walk hand in hand someday
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome someday

ما پیروز می شیم، ما پیروز می شیم،
ما پیروز می شیم، یه روز،
از ته قلب بر این باورم،ما پیروز می شیم، یه روز؛
We are not afraid, we are not afraid
We are not afraid today
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
ما پیروز می شیم، یه روز؛
We shall overcome, we shall overcome
We shall overcome someday
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
ما پیروز می شیم، یه روز

I Love The Night

That night her kiss told me it was over
I walked out late into the dark
The misty gloom seems to soak up my sorrow
The further I went on I felt a spreading calm
Then suddenly my eyes were bathed in a light
And the lovely lady in white was by my side
She said "Like me I see you're walking alone
Won't you please stay?" I couldn't look away

She said I love the night
The day is OK and the sun can be fun
But I live to see those rays slip away
I love the night
There's so much I can show and give to you
If you will welcome me tonight
If only you had been there my dear
We could have shared this together

No mortal was meant to see such wonder
One look in the mirror told me so
Come darkness I'll see her again
Yes I'm gonna go 'cause now I know

She said I love the night
The day is OK and the sun can be fun
But I live to see those rays slip away
I love the night
There's so much that I can show and give to you
If you will welcome me tonight
If only you had been there my dear
We could have shared this together

Farrah Fawcett Dies Too

Farrah Fawcett Died. No more Charlies Angel...

Michael Jackson Dies

Although I wasn't a fan of MJ, but who didn't like his songs. Thriller, Bad, Billie Jean, Bad, Smooth criminal, They don't care about us, Earth song, and my most favorite, Black or white.

The news was short but painful. Michael Jackson died. Obviously he didn't die at the peak of his career. The movement that he built by his famous songs was cooled off by 1990's songs. Some boy bands and metal movement. Despite all of this no one can deny his role in modern music. If there was one Elvis in our time, that was Michael Jackson. G-d rest him in peace.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New downloads

These are my latest downloads:
  • Essential Heart
  • Very Best Of John Denver (2CDs)
  • Stevie Wonder Greatest Hits
  • Taylor Swift Fearless
  • The Best Of Blue Öyster Cult

Khayam's Shrine

This Old World we’ve named Cosmos by mistake

Is the graveyard of nights & days, no more awake

And a feast that hundred Jamshid’s did break

And a throne that hundred Bahram’s did make.


There are times in your life that you should stand up and shout...

There are times that you should remain silent....

There are times that you should think of past...

There are times that you should open your wings and fly...

There are times that strength matters to you, not the beauty...

There are times that you might feel stranded...

There will be a time for you to rest in heaven... Someday...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tiananmen Square - Iranian Style

Cartoon by Nik ahang Kosar

One Last Mistake...

Defeating in Qadissya, made Yazdgerd III to move back to the middle of Iran, mainly in Isfahan. He spend some months there but had to go further to regain power with the help of some states under Iran's influence. At that time ruler of Tabarestan, located in north of Iran, invited him to go there. Yazdgerd didn't take his advice and instead of going and sheltering onto Alburz Mountains, which has been a very strong barrier against any enemy, he went to far east, where there is plain and mainly desert. Here's what if he could do by going to Tabarestan, specially knowing that Tabaris didn't convert to Islam centuries after, and Arabs were unable to conquer that area.
All of this reminds me of political mistakes, what to do, and what not to do. Of course Yazdgerd didn't want to be defeated himself, and we cannot say that he was defeated because of a mere geographical mistake. But if Sassanid had more mercy with people, specially since Khosrau II, if they weren't insisting on their old rituals, if they believed in freedom of religions, like Achaemenids did, I don't think a few thousands of wild Arabs, could ever conquer Iran.
Today, in Iran we have the same situation too. Mir Hossein Mousavi, wasn't an opposition leader, he had been prime minister after the Islamic Revolution twice. He is very religious personally. And it amazes me how they turn him into an oppostion leader.
What if he was elected? Could he not obey the supreme leader? I don't think so. It's just one of those political mistakes that I said before...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Iran: Post Election

The brutal war between guns and flesh in Iran is affecting the world these days. People go in the streets and march without any fear of their own life or securtiy. This might not be the best time for music but all of this courage reminds me no fear for death, and a song by Blue Oyster Cult, called: Don't fear the Reaper
This is for Neda and all of those who died innocently in the name of freedom.

All our times have come,
Here but now they're gone.
Seasons don't fear the reaper,
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain...
We can be like they are.
Come on, baby... don't fear the reaper.
Baby, take my hand... don't fear the reaper.
We'll be able to fly... don't fear the reaper.
Baby, I'm your man...

Valentine is done,
Here but now they're gone.
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity... Romeo and Juliet.
40,000 men and women everyday... Like Romeo and Juliet.
40,000 men and women everyday... Redefine happiness.
Another 40,000 coming everyday... We can be like they are.
Come on, baby... don't fear the reaper.
Baby, take my hand... don't fear the reaper.
We'll be able to fly... don't fear the reaper.
Baby, I'm your man...

Love of two is one,
Here but now they're gone.
Came the last night of sadness,
And it was clear she couldn't go on.
Then the door was open and the wind appeared,
The candles blew then disappeared,
The curtains flew then he appeared... saying don't be afraid,
Come on, baby... and she had no fear,
And she ran to him... then they started to fly.
They looked backward and said goodbye... she had become like they are.
She had taken his hand... she had become like they are.
Come on, baby... don't fear the reaper.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Blue Öyster Cult

Do you like BÖC? Do you think they were satanic? Were they good?

A Must See If You Haven't Seen It

I know it's not a very new movie, I think it's from 1999. But you should really see this movie if you like horror movies.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Man Of The World

By Fleetwood Mac

Shall I tell you about my life

They say I'm a man of the world

I've flown across every tide

And I've seen lots of pretty girls

I guess I've got everything I need

I wouldn’t ask for more

And there's no one I'd rather be

But I just wish that I'd never been born

And I need a good woman

to make me feel like a good man should

I don't say I'm a good man

Oh, but I would be if I could

I could tell you about my life

And keep you amused I'm sure

About all the times I've cried

And how I don't want to be sad anymore

And how I wish I was in love

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Presidential Elections in Iran

Check out Time's amazing images, here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How To Customize Your Pro Evolution Soccer 2009?

I badly wanted to get rid of the old boots in PES 2009, and I couldn't find anywhere on internet, that what you should do. But here's a few steps for you to learn how to add boots, kits and other stuffs:

  1. You need to install AFS Explorer. Don't worry if you don't have it you can download it here.

  2. On the PES directory you will see two folders, img and kitserver. Kitserver is where you can add or change the kits with the newer ones. And img is where you should use your AFS Explorer.

  3. For downloading the boots go here.

  4. After downloading the desired boots, open your AFS Explorer and open file, cv06.img on img directory. Then import your boots directory to cv06.img. You'll see a message that do you want to rebuild the file, cv06.img? And you should rebuild it by making a new name for it, for example: cv06_.img

  5. It takes about 3-5 minutes remaking this file. After that you should delete old cv06.img and rename cv06_.img to cv06.img.

  6. Then you can run PES and enjoy new boots.

  • Hint:

  • You'll see that boots #7 and #8 are unchanged. To change them you should open pdata.img with your AFS Explorer. After that you open the file, just like cv06.img, you should rebuild it by adding the new folder that you should've built already.

It's easier that you have in your mind, the only problem is making the new cv06.img takes too much time.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I Knew I Loved You

A great song which has a history behind for me:

Maybe it's intuition

But some things you just don't question

Like in your eyes

I see my future in an instant

and there it goes

I think I've found my best friend

I know that it might sound more than

a little crazy but I believe


I knew I loved you before I met youI think

I dreamed you into lifeI knew

I loved you before I met you

I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason

only this sense of completion

and in your eyes

I see the missing pieces

I'm searching for

I think I found my way home

I know that it might sound more than

a little crazy but I believe

[repeat chorus]

A thousand angels dance around you

I am complete now that I found you

[repeat chorus to fade]

Today's Khayyam

As the rising Venus and moon in the skies appear

To the goodness of quality wine, nothing comes near

I am amazed at the vendors of a liquid so dear

Where they’ll buy a better thing, is not clear.

Latest Music Downloads...

These are the albums that I recently downloaded:

  • Glenn Frey - Solo Collection: It was very good. Better than what I had in mind from Eagles. He has talent, undoubtedly.

  • Kenny G - Greatest Hits: The name speaks for itself. It's a huge album for Kenny G fans, and me.

  • Rick Springfield - Greatest Hits: Another great album to remember 80's by.

I also am looking forward for these too:

  • Heart

  • Bryan Adams

  • Stevie Wonder

  • Alison Krauss

  • John Mellencamp

  • John Denver

  • CCR

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quotes Of Today

One of the things about being a grown-up is learning how to act right even when you feel wrong. -- Sean Stewart

When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion. -- Abraham Lincoln