Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cockpit Of The Flying Coffin (Tu-154)

Another Tu-154 crashed, Polish president and high rank generals died, coffin still flies... And crashes


  1. "Polish president and high rank generals died, coffin still flies.."
    Oh. Gee...
    performed CFIT by high ranked Polish pilots doesn't allow to name Tu154 "flying coffin"
    All planes are like that if the crew goes beyond its capabilities to foresee and prevent the disaster, and instead instead a crew performs their actions not on procedures but on "maybe" things.

  2. The official cause for the crash of the Polish Gouvernement plane with its prsident was that the pilots ignored the warnings and set to land in fog striking trees.The real cause for the crash was a detonation in the part of the plane where the main fuel tank sits, where the wings are connected to the body.The records of the pilots talk show us they never went to land the plane because there was no sight for the ground and no trust for the russians in the tower.The command,break up the landing,rise,full throttle was given, the rest we know from the crash site. A detonation followed.The engines show us, they were not running at the impact moment.The plane is totaly pulverised while the ground shows no crater and signs of heavy impact.Some parts of the plane flew in reverse direction to the flight or changed the movement from left to right.This clearly shows, a detonation happend in the air, stopped the engines,pulverised the plane and did the parts fly in different directions,parts hitthe ground, not the intact plane as at this speed it should dig a crater in the muddy ground.

    1. This was an prevention action of the russian army to kill the president for his support for Georgia during its conflict with Russia and giving a clear sign this will happen to all countries trying to be agressive against Russia in any way or not tolerate its expansion as Poland was selling weapons to Georgia at that time and supporting its president.And the action was a succes as nobody supported Poland to stand out the real cause for the crash, instead as written above, guilty for the crash was the model of the plane or the ignorant pilots.
