Thursday, July 23, 2009

History Recalls

This is the map of Iran in Qajar era.

Before Pahlavi dynasty, there was Qajar dynasty. Qajars were mostly famous for disqualification in ruling the country. Their worst thing to most Iranian people was departing huge and mostly cultivated lands of Iran. Those lands are now new countries. Some have already kept their unavoidable ties with Iranian culture. Those countries are: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Naxcivan, parts of southern Russia and Georgia, parts of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan (known as India at that time). Almost all of these losses were happened when Fat'h Ali Shah was in charge. He had a very comic behavior. He was a true demonstrator of qualification in Qajar's rulers. But he is not who I'm going to talk about him today. The one I'm going to talk is Mohammad Ali Shah:

He came to power right after the constitutional revolution. He was a brutal savage man. He had no mercy in fighting with uprisings against him and his will. He truly was a Russophilist. With the help of Colonel Liakhov he destroyed the Majlis (parliament) building. Clerics, people, workers and almost everyone were against him and his allies. They killed a russian traitor in Tabriz. There was a huge anti-russian feeling between Iranian people then.


This reminds me of how the Iranian people feel these days. Russian and Chinese meddling in their internal affairs. As I mentioned, in the past the never wanted any foreign meddling. Russians had already a bad name for the Constitutional parliament and Qajar era. It makes this hating thing rising while European governments and United States are at least condemning killing innocent people, while they are remaining silent or helping the brutal governers to gain a universal attention.

This is why it makes Iranian people mad. This is why they shouted loudly in the last Friday prayer held by Ayatollah Rafsanjani, an iconic opposition leader, "Death to Russia" or "Death to China". Instead of "Death to America" or "Death to Israel", that we've been hearing for 30 years.

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